Consultancy of Lean Manufacturing System

Implement Lean Manufacturing System, Lean Management System, Lean Green Production System and Lean Six Sigma Process Quality Improvement System Woven and Knit in Garments Industry

As part of my services I offer to help companies that have started on a lean journey, but could use some assistance getting back on track. The application of lean methodologies in garments industries should be helping your company make significant process improvements. If this isn't the case I encourage you to re-focus and not abandon the effort; I will help you get your lean program back on track as quickly as possible using the least amount of resources & time.

Consultancy of Implement Lean Production System in Garments Insustry

How Lean Production System Implementer Consultant in Garments Industries


I Am Certified "Lean Production System Implement In Garments Industries

Garments Manufacturing is one of the oldest in the world, compromising a high number of critical operations. The main issues in the garments industry are the lead time, production rate, very poor line balancing and fabric wastes. Productivity improvement is carried out by implementing the various lean tools in the industry, such as 5S, Just in Time, Kaizen, SMED, Kanban, Value Stream Mapping (VSM) and line balancing in the sewing section. After the implementation of lean tools in the garments industry, the outcomes observed are a reduction in work-in-progress inventory, increases in the production process and increased line efficiency, Productivity and Quality.

Lean Manufacturing is a systematic approach for achieving the shortest possible cycle time by eliminating the process waste through continuous improvement. Thus making the operation very efficient and only consisting of value adding steps from start to finish. In simple words lean is manufacturing without waste.

Benefits of Lean Production System Implement in Garments Industries

The benefits and advantages of lean production system implement in garments industries :

Productivity Improvement
Lean Production System

1. Eliminate waste

2. Improve Productivity

3. Reduce cycle & lead time

4. Improve visual management

5. Improve productivity & quality

6. Improve workplace and organize

7. Reduce manpower, time and space

8. Reducing Work in Process (WIP) inventory

9. Improve safety conditions and housekeeping

10. Increase customer satisfaction & customer service

11. Sustainability, employee satisfaction & increase profit

Productivity Improvement
Lean Production System

During my visits to garments factories, I have seen posters on lean tools and lean slogans in some garments factories. It means that garments factories are really started implementation of lean tools and practicing lean culture. Factories have posters on process flow chart of lean journey. Improvement pictures of before and after implementation of 5S and Kaizen have been displayed on departments. I have seen a lot of visuals on the floor. It ensures that something is happening in garments factories to bring good things and improve business performance.

In one garments factory, I found a poster where all lean tools were listed those were implemented in that factory. All implementation are done under the guidance of external lean experts. Garments factory has benefited a lot after implementation lean production system. These are the preferred lean tools that have been implemented by experts. So you can start with these tools in your manufacturing facilities.

Lean Manufacturing Implementation : A 20-Step Road Map In Garments Industries

Here are 20 steps that comprise a lean manufacturing road map in garments industries :

1. Form team (mix of lean manufacturing and relevant business experience)

2. Develop communication and feedback channel for everyone

3. Meet with everyone and explain the initiative

4. Begin to train all employees (lean overview, eight wastes, standard operations, kaizen, RCPS, PDCA)

5. Facility analysis – Determine the gap between current state and a state of “lean”

6. 5-S - It is the foundation of lean. Workplace organization is critical for any lean initiative

7. TPM – Begin Total Productive Maintenance early (used throughout lean)

8. Value Stream Mapping – Determine the waste across the entire system

9. 7 (or 8) waste identification – Use with value stream mapping to identify system waste

10. Process mapping – A more detailed map of each process

11. Takt time – Determine need to produce on all processes, equipment

12. Overall equipment effectiveness and six losses – Determine the losses on all processes and equipment

13. Line balance – Use, if necessary, with takt time and OEE

14. SMED – Push setup times down to reduce cycle time, batch quantity and lower costs

15. Pull / one-piece flow / Continuous Flow Analysis – Utilize kanban and supermarkets

16. Analyze quality at the source application – Poor quality stopped at the source

17. Implement error-proofing ideas

18. Cellular manufacturing/layout and flow improvement – Analyze facility and each process

19. Develop standardized operations – Concurrently with SMED, line balance, flow, layouts

20. Kaizen – Continue improving operations, giving priority to bottlenecks within the system

Advantages and Benefits of Lean Manufacturing Implement in Garments industries

1. Improve productivity, quality and efficiency.

2. Production flow and controlled automation.

3. Reducing inventory area and WorkPlace

4. Reduce cycle, lead time & Chage Over Time

5. Reduce manpower, time, cost and space

6. Improve visual management & Coontrol

7. Reducing Work in Process (WIP)

8. Eliminate waste and problems.

9. Reducing quality defects & rejection

10. Improve garments Performance

11. Minimizing The Production Cost

12 Continues Process Improvement

The 5 (Five) Principle Steps of Lean Implementation in Garments Industry

Step 1: Specify Value
Define value from the perspective of the final customer. Express value in terms of a specific product, which meets the customer's needs at a specific price and at a specific time.

Step 2: Map
Identify the value stream, the set of all specific actions required to bring a specific product through the three critical management tasks of any business: the problem-solving task, the information management task, and the physical transformation task. Create a map of the Current State and the Future State of the value stream. Identify and categorize waste in the Current State, and eliminate it!

Step 3: Flow
Make the remaining steps in the value stream flow. Eliminate functional barriers and develop a product-focussed organization that dramatically improves lead-time.

Step 4: Pull
Let the customer pull products as needed, eliminating the need for a sales forecast.

Step 5: Perfection
There is no end to the process of reducing effort, time, space, cost, and mistakes. Return to the first step and begin the next lean transformation, offering a product which is ever more nearly what the customer wants.

Lean Management System in Garments Insustry

Lean management system is an approach to managing an organization that supports the concept of continuous improvement, a long-term approach to work that systematically seeks to achieve small, incremental changes in processes in order to improve productivity, efficiency and quality.

The primary purpose of lean management is to produce value for the customer through the optimization of resources and create a steady workflow based on real customer demands. It seeks to eliminate any waste of time, effort or money by identifying each step in a business process and then revising or cutting out steps that do not create value. The philosophy has its roots in manufacturing. Lean management focuses on :

1. Defining value from the standpoint of the end customer.

2. Eliminating all waste in the business processes.

3. Continuously improving all work processes, purposes and people.

Lean One Piece Flow System Implement in Garments Insustry

This principle is pretty simple. In a production line that has several workstations, one-piece flow means that one item is moved to a work station where any pending work is completed before it moves on to the next station. The idea is to ensure that the product spends as little time as possible at each station and travel time from one station to another is minimal. This process also increases quality assurance, as it is easier to trace product errors back to a single station.

Here are 7 advantages to the one-piece flow system. 7 Advantages of One-Piece Flow in Manufacturing system in garments industries : 1. Improves Quality and Fewer Defects in Manufacturing 2. Reduces Inventory 3. Requirement for Less Space 4. Enhances Overall Manufacturing Flexibility 5. Makes Identifying Future Kaizen Easier 6. Ensures a Safer Work Environment 7. Improves Employee Morale

7 (Seven) Core Concepts of Lean Production System in Garments Industry

1. Eliminate waste. 2. Build quality in. 3. Create knowledge. 4. Defer commitment. 5. Deliver fast. 6. Respect people.7.Optimize the whole

Our goal is to help you maximize your business performance.

Lean Manufacturing Consulting : When you are looking for ways to cut down on your production costs while maintaining a high standard of quality, hiring a lean production system consulting firm is your path to success. It is essential to understand the intricacies of industrial engineering and how it relates to lean manufacturing & world class manufacturing, so that customized and comprehensive solutions are designed and implemented to meet your company’s needs.